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How you enter new capcha? Anonymous  06/03/24 Срд 11:24:22 124530 1
20240306112340.jpg 7Кб, 1080x255
20240306112313.jpg 10Кб, 1080x225
How you enter new capcha?
Anonymous  22/03/24 Птн 02:58:52 124829 2
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 13:12:57 125897 3
>>124530 (OP)
Add Russian keyboard in your system settings, then use on-screen keyboard.
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 18:16:41 125898 4
Anonymous  26/04/24 Птн 16:38:41 125932 5
In Linux Mint 23.1, I tried and I didn't worked. It even had Russian (Ukraine).
Anonymous  27/04/24 Суб 12:55:25 125938 6
image.png 15Кб, 515x213
It's easy: Google Translate gives you an onscreen Cyrillic keyboard and you just click the funny runes.
Anonymous  27/04/24 Суб 16:07:05 125945 7
Russian "Н": #just exists#
Anglo-Saxson in his head: Ashhhhhh... look, it's Ashhhhhh
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 01:41:36 125972 8
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