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Saying in public, that I like Russia would put me on a list. Anonymous  05/01/24 Птн 21:36:46 123589 1
trocki.jpg 57Кб, 736x777
Saying in public, that I like Russia would put me on a list.
Anonymous  06/01/24 Суб 00:25:18 123593 2
There are none real reasons to simp for this country, trust me.
Anonymous  21/01/24 Вск 03:02:49 123939 3
Then why don't you move there?
Anonymous  23/01/24 Втр 02:13:08 123953 4
"The grass is greener on the other side." Or in Portugal, "my neighbour's chicken/hen is/looks better than mine"
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 14:58:16 125005 5
>>123589 (OP)
Saying in public, that I like Russia would put me on the other side." Or in Portugal, "my neighbour's chicken/hen is/looks better than mine"
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 16:47:45 125008 6
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 06:35:23 125082 7
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 13:04:36 125896 8
Another self-hating Russian. Go fuck yourself.
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