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My handwriting improves or nah? Anonymous  06/12/23 Срд 11:08:37 122694 1
0c2e4962-7565-4[...].jpg 3205Кб, 3000x4000
My handwriting improves or nah?
Anonymous  06/12/23 Срд 14:13:44 122698 2
Anonymous  13/12/23 Срд 17:27:07 122899 3
Anonymous  13/12/23 Срд 17:28:24 122900 4
>>122694 (OP)
Настоятельно рекомендую писать печатными буквами
Anonymous  14/12/23 Чтв 13:53:49 122928 5
>>122694 (OP)
It's shit, but lots of my russian groupmates from uni write even worse, so keep practicing, you are on the right path!
Anonymous  15/12/23 Птн 17:51:06 122944 6
Anonymous  15/12/23 Птн 17:52:05 122945 7
No, this way he'll never learn to write properly.
Anonymous  15/12/23 Птн 18:55:29 122950 8
image.png 500Кб, 800x533
>>122694 (OP)
You better get this fucking тетрадь shit, where you have a line which limits your fucking jumping small letters and angle of your writting and limit line for big letters too.
Anonymous  15/12/23 Птн 22:37:41 122955 9
Test with a good pen, not with pencils.
Anonymous  15/12/23 Птн 23:49:01 122956 10
Anonymous  16/12/23 Суб 01:42:58 122964 11
>>122694 (OP)
This is so nostalgic, lol. I just remember my handwriting when I was just learning to write.
Anonymous  29/12/23 Птн 19:14:30 123485 12
Anonymous  06/01/24 Суб 07:59:52 123603 13
Better than mine. You can develop if you want, yet its legibility is adequate enough for such an effort not being essential.
Anonymous  06/01/24 Суб 16:43:20 123607 14
I don't remember last time I did that.
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