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Hi i am a russian livin in germany for the longest time Anonymous  18/11/23 Суб 18:31:52 122110 1
1000F393038720r[...].jpg 641Кб, 1000x667
i want to live the dream by falling for the siberia meme;

i dont want to renew my passport and take harz iv in germany, it gets on my nerves and my brain rots from neeting.
Anyone can help?
what do i need?
what do i need to do?
Anonymous  27/11/23 Пнд 13:07:04 122337 2
>>122110 (OP)
you got russian passport ?

germany and russia is the same
i got both passports only difference is kyrilic but its same NWO plastic ausweis

are you looking to escape spiritually from NewWorldOrder ? you will be disapointed but russia is part of it.
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