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Hmmm Anonymous  29/10/23 Вск 12:12:34 121576 1
16550533401500.png 204Кб, 563x542
Russian nationality is transmitted by the father...
Jewish nationality is transmitted by mother...
Anonymous  29/10/23 Вск 12:52:25 121578 2
What if my mother is Jewish and father is Russian
Anonymous  29/10/23 Вск 18:22:22 121590 3
image.png 804Кб, 1171x675
Anonymous  31/10/23 Втр 06:03:29 121639 4
Anonymous  03/11/23 Птн 20:43:39 121751 5
>>121576 (OP)
every nationality is transmitted by the mother you dumbass.
the kids grows inside a mother, drinks the blood of the mother.
only thing father does is spunken lil bit of semen
you are a jew
Anonymous  03/11/23 Птн 21:46:22 121756 6
>>121576 (OP)
>Russian nationality is transmitted by the father...
Who said this? It pass equally from both parents.
Anonymous  03/11/23 Птн 21:51:35 121757 7
>every nationality is transmitted by the mother you dumbass.
Lol. If woman goes after marriage to husbund family then chieldren are counting as part of father's family - that's how it worked until urbanisation. Jews used same rule 2000 years ago, and even jews who lived in Palestina before Israil followed the same rule.
Anonymous  04/11/23 Суб 12:59:08 121785 8
816.jpg 119Кб, 1632x2200
>drinks the blood
Only if they are Jews or Poles.
Anonymous  06/11/23 Пнд 23:26:34 121839 9
1.-Tripping-wit[...].jpg 262Кб, 1280x725
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