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Babies in the UK scream when they are born because they realize they've been brought into this mess Anonymous  25/08/23 Птн 22:24:52 119715 1
sticker.webp 21Кб, 512x512
Babies in the UK scream when they are born because they realize they've been brought into this mess
Anonymous  26/08/23 Суб 00:14:23 119716 2
At least we're not Russian.
Anonymous  26/08/23 Суб 00:20:04 119717 3
1692998404163.jpg 106Кб, 1080x1016
Anonymous  26/08/23 Суб 00:51:58 119718 4
True, thats the only thing thats worse
Anonymous  06/12/23 Срд 01:31:35 122669 5
BritainDiversit[...].jpg 73Кб, 496x728
mayoroflondonbr[...].jpg 112Кб, 1020x688
brit3.jpeg 34Кб, 474x616
brit4.gif 305Кб, 827x871
Anonymous  23/12/23 Суб 15:57:20 123276 6
>>119715 (OP)
>Babies in the UK scream when they are born because they realize they've been brought into this mess
No, they are shouting "Allahu akbar!" but don't know the language yet.
Anonymous  30/12/23 Суб 10:56:47 123496 7
Anonymous  30/12/23 Суб 13:56:59 123499 8
At least you are totally cuckolding nation.
Go suck some arabic cocks who doesn't even speak your language while spending your money.
Anonymous  30/12/23 Суб 15:07:10 123503 9
british ladies.png 309Кб, 1000x981
>At least you are totally cuckolding nation.
No, not totally. They left EU and now making them suffer.
Anonymous  30/12/23 Суб 20:58:18 123507 10
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