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здравствуйте мой друзья! Anonymous  29/11/23 Срд 07:51:41 122367 Ответ
IMG7192.jpg 109Кб, 366x408
Greetings /int/ from the US

How are you guys doing?
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Anonymous  01/12/23 Птн 15:19:47 122456
Hello anon, why do you post youtube videos in different threads?
Anonymous  01/12/23 Птн 15:41:00 122460
Anonymous  01/12/23 Птн 20:22:02 122467
1691764443341.png 104Кб, 637x637
Anonymous  01/12/23 Птн 23:39:10 122476
Anonymous  02/12/23 Суб 00:56:12 122482
>>122367 (OP)
Balding faggot and his old-fart-friends theive out everything, the war's taking 1-2 K of lives per day, prices are running to the space, the economics transforms to a party of a few monopolies.

How the fuck do you think we are doing?
Life is wonerful.
When I was in 9th grade, I was friends with a girl from a parallel class. We communicated very well. Anonymous  01/12/23 Птн 18:13:54 122461 Ответ
17014381093410.jpg 298Кб, 683x1024
When I was in 9th grade, I was friends with a girl from a parallel class. We communicated very well. We went home together after school. We lived in the same yard. The yard was not equipped at all, there was no place to sit, but there were swings. Well, we went to these swings and listened to music on them. First, she plays one song and sits and I rock it, and then we change. Her and subsequently my favorite band was Avenged Sevenfold. One day I wanted to get up, but she told me not to get up and sat on my lap.
-What if I’m against it?
-Who will ask you?
-You have a boyfriend.
-Well, if he doesn’t find out, then it’s okay, right?
She was then dating a boy from another school and he heard rumors that she was kissing someone else (not me). He left her and his friends who knew her personally began to write how unfaithful she was. And she should be ashamed. And in response to this she wrote a barrage of insults. And one day, when we were walking with her, these two guys met us and decided to punish her. They attacked and beat her, but I didn’t stand up. And then she began to be indignant at why I just stood and watched as they beat her. She said that she was a coward, a weakling and a traitor who was not able to stand up for a girl. And now I’m nothing to her, although she liked me. But I didn’t interfere because I had lenses on my eyes and in a fight they could hit me in the eye and tear them and I had to buy new ones. 10 years have passed since then. We are 25. I work as a courier at Yandex Food. When I arrived for the next call, guess who opened the door for me? There she was. He looks with a withering glance and says, “Well, how is your higher education, was it useful?” Then he smiles and continues, “Come in.” The two of us ate some of the food I brought. Then she took a plastic bag and pulled out a piece of cake from the refrigerator. She put it in a bag and gave it to me. We sat for about 40 minutes and at the end we hugged and kissed.
WHO MOCKED HIM &gt;0.25 shekel has been deposited into your JIDF account Anonymous  30/11/23 Чтв 18:04:38 122417 Ответ
jokesters.png 7594Кб, 5556x2248
>0.25 shekel has been deposited into your JIDF account
why rusia is so lol Anonymous  29/11/23 Срд 04:59:48 122363 Ответ
05dfk3mky04.jpg 39Кб, 400x400
why rusia is so lol
Anonymous  29/11/23 Срд 05:20:01 122365
>>2 what?
Jk Fg  29/11/23 Срд 15:15:04 122375 Ответ
IMG2390.png 1395Кб, 1280x720
Hello, I am from Bangladesh, nice to meet you all. Also I hate indians, jews and ukranians. Thank yo Anonymous  27/11/23 Пнд 18:32:17 122339 Ответ
q1i23wnd2bzb1.mp4 1847Кб, 474x842, 00:00:07
Hello, I am from Bangladesh, nice to meet you all. Also I hate indians, jews and ukranians. Thank you.
Hi i am a russian livin in germany for the longest time Anonymous  18/11/23 Суб 18:31:52 122110 Ответ
1000F393038720r[...].jpg 641Кб, 1000x667
i want to live the dream by falling for the siberia meme;

i dont want to renew my passport and take harz iv in germany, it gets on my nerves and my brain rots from neeting.
Anyone can help?
what do i need?
what do i need to do?
Anonymous  27/11/23 Пнд 13:07:04 122337
>>122110 (OP)
you got russian passport ?

germany and russia is the same
i got both passports only difference is kyrilic but its same NWO plastic ausweis

are you looking to escape spiritually from NewWorldOrder ? you will be disapointed but russia is part of it.
Are Sith Lords common in Russia? Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 17:38:10 122321 Ответ
Screenshot20231[...].png 283Кб, 519x419
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02u3rslsyuz71.jpg 71Кб, 960x720
Are Sith Lords common in Russia?
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 17:49:31 122323
Sequel trilogy is Disney taking and adapting the worst stuff from expanded universe.
Hi Anonymous  14/11/23 Втр 10:18:32 122027 Ответ
1629863871745.webm 777Кб, 720x628, 00:00:15
Hello anons, how are you doing? Tell me about something interesting that happened recently.
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Anonymous  14/11/23 Втр 11:18:53 122029
1615847251558.webm 2940Кб, 502x574, 00:00:17
Anonymous  14/11/23 Втр 12:49:48 122033
675.jpg 26Кб, 474x477
>>122027 (OP)
> Nation collapsing due to muh birth rate; North korea preparing nukes or other shit
> Economy becoming dogshit - household debt
> Locals in here can't speak Korean, they only know Chinese, Russian or languages that I don't know
> I am still rotting in a shitty rural region, hundreds of kilometers away from civilized area
Anonymous  14/11/23 Втр 13:08:30 122034
OP is a pidor.
>no helemt
What example he shows to young pups?
Anonymous  14/11/23 Втр 13:58:27 122039
16783351224140.mp4 316Кб, 848x848, 00:00:02
Someone posted the alien photo again
Anonymous  14/11/23 Втр 15:53:39 122040
n0gllf.webm 612Кб, 480x360, 00:00:06
Ok, which one of you did this? Anonymous  24/11/23 Птн 17:02:17 122196 Ответ
ukropium.PNG 66Кб, 1435x696
Ok, which one of you did this?
Anonymous  24/11/23 Птн 23:52:41 122202
Anonymous  25/11/23 Суб 23:13:10 122262
Хотели бы полизать асфальт на парковке Walmarta? Anonymous  # OP 30/10/23 Пнд 02:19:38 121601 Ответ
image.png 329Кб, 348x549
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Anonymous  11/11/23 Суб 16:27:27 121923
>>121601 (OP)
Да кого ты обманываешь, это не божественный асфальт у Волмарта, это чел к совковой стене с фотообоями прижался и целует её.
Anonymous  11/11/23 Суб 16:29:09 121924
You are wrong, watch the full video. He did that seriously.
Anonymous  11/11/23 Суб 16:35:16 121925
Это всё нейросети, не верю.
Anonymous  11/11/23 Суб 16:47:55 121926
Having landed in the best country of the world, you'd like to lick the ground.
Anonymous  25/11/23 Суб 22:38:36 122258
Может быть.
Winter is coming. Are you prepared? Anonymous  15/11/23 Срд 10:12:27 122048 Ответ
image.png 470Кб, 576x510
Winter is coming.
Are you prepared?
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Пропущено 7 постов, 6 с картинками.
Anonymous  15/11/23 Срд 21:50:51 122078
definitely do n[...].jpg 83Кб, 1080x1349
I wonder if they make good pets?

How is life in Siberia during a cold winter?
Anonymous  17/11/23 Птн 22:48:01 122096
20231115070230.jpg 3166Кб, 4000x2252
Anonymous  21/11/23 Втр 20:52:00 122159
Anonymous  23/11/23 Чтв 15:11:52 122183
>>122048 (OP)
I froze to death last winter cuz no Russian gas, seems I will freeze to death again :)
Anonymous  24/11/23 Птн 10:16:57 122191
Goot, now freeze to death two times per winter, fuckin nazi.
Me on the left. Anonymous  27/10/23 Птн 10:07:07 121504 Ответ
1.png 347Кб, 1500x1481
Me on the left.
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Anonymous  27/10/23 Птн 16:45:52 121531
>>121504 (OP)
You called a trans whore, she couldn't get a dick up, but she still demanded money from you?
Anonymous  27/10/23 Птн 17:38:52 121532
The symbolism goes much deeper than a mere pouch of shekels, my young friend. The original painting by Bruegel that this is based on depicts a "misanthrope" - a hermit, walking away from a disfigured creature (which I always assumed represented the world), and the inscription below declares (in Flemish): "Because the world is perfidious, I am going into mourning". There are a few interpretations of this work, but personally I view it as a metaphor for the ugly monstrous world robbing a man, who gave up on it and decided to simply walk away, of everything. We can thus draw parallels between the original painting and this modern re-interpretation: the eternal tranny robbing a man, who rejects it, of his last bit of sanity.
Anonymous  27/10/23 Птн 23:09:17 121540
Сука, обосрался с твоей интерпретации.
Anonymous  27/10/23 Птн 23:15:15 121541
Помню нечто подобное нас заставляли делать на уроках искусства, когла мы изучали картины художников Северного Ренессанса. Больше всего мне нравилась стилистика германских художников, она мне казалось более приземлённой, нежели работы итальянских творцов. Хотя Караваджо тоже неплох был
Anonymous  21/11/23 Втр 20:55:30 122163
Post photos from your personal archives Anonymous  22/10/23 Вск 16:17:03 121353 Ответ
IMG 19.10.2023 [...].jpg 5538Кб, 3982x2982
IMG 19.10.2023 [...].jpg 4356Кб, 3982x2982
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IMG 19.10.20231[...].jpg 4458Кб, 3982x2982
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Anonymous  22/10/23 Вск 16:17:46 121354
IMG 19.10.2023 [...].jpg 3628Кб, 3982x2240
IMG 19.10.2023 [...].jpg 2997Кб, 3982x1666
IMG 19.10.2023 [...].jpg 2675Кб, 3982x1666
IMG 19.10.2023 [...].jpg 3766Кб, 2859x3369
Anonymous  22/10/23 Вск 16:20:20 121355
169797986189421[...].jpg 4186Кб, 4160x1872
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169797997028177[...].jpg 6118Кб, 4551x2048
Anonymous  23/10/23 Пнд 21:09:46 121372
Beautiful pictures. Sadly I do not go outside to take pictures. What city has these been taken from?
Anonymous  23/10/23 Пнд 21:37:35 121373
image.png 1529Кб, 1080x861
RIA8466512-pic3[...].jpg 73Кб, 1022x800
Anonymous  21/11/23 Втр 20:54:43 122162
&gt;2013 was 10 years ago Anonymous  18/11/23 Суб 19:43:07 122112 Ответ
savingprivatery[...].gif 2687Кб, 498x270
>2013 was 10 years ago
Anonymous  19/11/23 Вск 08:08:54 122120
Anonymous  19/11/23 Вск 19:42:07 122125
Command Conque[...].mp4 2534Кб, 480x360, 00:01:00
kino year btw - C&C Generals, Master and Commander vs LotR: The Return of the King
Anonymous  19/11/23 Вск 20:00:15 122126
Anonymous  21/11/23 Втр 20:51:11 122158
Uncle introducing his young (12yo) Russian friend to Douyin. Finished dinner and she accompanied him Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 11:25:01 121994 Ответ
young russian f[...].mp4 17156Кб, 720x1280, 00:00:43
ClipboardImage-[...].png 116Кб, 249x321
ClipboardImage-[...].png 32Кб, 136x142
Uncle introducing his young (12yo) Russian friend to Douyin.
Finished dinner and she accompanied him for a walk in the park.

Didn't know that Russians already started pimping out their girls to the Chinese?

I guess that this was the way it would go. Russia is losing men and money. China has too many men and too much money.
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Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 22:08:35 122019
>>121994 (OP)
Imagine you're a retarded faggot who doesn't realize that in Khabarovsk Krai on the border with China, Russians and Chinese are friends with entire villages and hamlets.

/thread CLOSED
Anonymous  14/11/23 Втр 11:30:53 122030
somali.png 425Кб, 601x486
chinese better then stinky somalians
Anonymous  16/11/23 Чтв 07:20:30 122081
AleksandraKarbo[...].mp4 1322Кб, 576x1024, 00:00:06
Anonymous  20/11/23 Пнд 00:49:37 122130
Anonymous  20/11/23 Пнд 03:44:09 122135
Chinks are a bunch of liars to West Europeans and probably to themselves probably perhaps to societal and government pressure of living on a dictatorial communist shitty regime that you have to lie to survive.

I have stories of Chinese women trading with another chinese woman going to the doctor (including maternity and paeditrics hospital) giving doctor's appointment name.
Not even niggers and large portion of gipsies here do that shit. Gipsies only say need absence leave for 10th funeral of their grandma and so on.

If you trust a chinese as friend, you are extremely naive.
ПОМОГИТЕ НАКАЗАТЬ СЫНА ЖУЕБКА Anonymous  15/11/23 Срд 16:26:11 122076 Ответ
17000518339130.png 1230Кб, 1500x1000
Брошенная сыном без денег в Мексике россиянка вернулась в РФ

Пенсионерка Валентина Котова, брошенная сыном без денег на пороге консульства РФ в Мексике, вернулась в Россию. Об этом сообщает РИА Новости со ссылкой на российское внешнедипломатическое ведомство.

По словам консула Александра Иващенко, пенсионерка приехала в Мексику в 2022 году вместе с сыном и невесткой. Они собирались нелегально пересечь границу с США. Они не смогли перебраться через границу, так как американская миграционная служба не пропустила семью, поэтому они остались в Мексике.

Сын Котовой женат на гражданке Украины, поэтому позднее они все-таки смогли перебраться в США по программе для украинских беженцев.

Сама Котова под условия программы не подходила, поэтому родственники оставили ее без денег у дверей российского посольства. Котова не может самостоятельно передвигаться, ей необходима инвалидная коляска. Из родственников у пенсионерки только сын и невестка, в России ее никто не ждет. Более того, ей негде жить, так как ради переезда она продала свою квартиру. Подробнее — в материале «Газеты.Ru».

Anonymous  15/11/23 Срд 16:27:05 122077
Abandoned by her son without money in Mexico, the Russian woman returned to Russia

Pensioner Valentina Kotova, abandoned by her son without money on the threshold of the Russian Consulate in Mexico, returned to Russia. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the Russian foreign diplomatic agency.

According to Consul Alexander Ivashchenko, the pensioner came to Mexico in 2022 with her son and daughter-in-law. They were going to illegally cross the border with the United States. They were unable to cross the border, as the American migration service did not let the family through, so they stayed in Mexico.

Kotova's son is married to a citizen of Ukraine, so later they were able to move to the United States under the program for Ukrainian refugees.

Kotova herself did not fit the conditions of the program, so her relatives left her without money at the door of the Russian embassy. Kotova cannot move independently, she needs a wheelchair. Of the pensioner's relatives, only her son and daughter-in-law, no one is waiting for her in Russia. Moreover, she has nowhere to live, since she sold her apartment for the sake of moving. For more information, see the material "Newspapers.Ru».
Anonymous  15/11/23 Срд 22:36:18 122079
He is already punished.
He crossed border to live shitty life.
His life will become even shitter when whore will leave him.
Anonymous  17/11/23 Птн 03:55:25 122092
>>122076 (OP)
Накзать надо Мать, правильно что пережила, мало, надо больше.
Мать 100% ГКМ
сыну удачи
Anonymous  19/11/23 Вск 00:17:25 122114
что за прикол с речными рыбами русачек?
https://litter.catbox.moe/yf68gq.mp4 Is my russian good? I'm Jordanian. I learnt russian on csgo in Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 21:48:45 122017 Ответ
Screenshot20231[...].jpg 396Кб, 1079x585
Anonymous  15/11/23 Срд 11:59:21 122067
Time to tell the Truth Anonymous  14/11/23 Втр 00:05:22 122020 Ответ
1920px-Wilno-Pa[...].jpg 542Кб, 1920x1039
LithuanianStatu[...].jpg 42Кб, 410x551
StatutVialikaha[...].jpg 357Кб, 1158x895
Main things of the Baltic states were built by Russians and Poles.
There's no historical documents written in Lithuanian until 16th century, all constitutions, so called statutes were written in Old Slavic aka Old Russian language and Polish language.
All main battles were won by Slavic people, including Grunvald battle, because Slavs was the main part of population of so called Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Historical monuments of the Baltic states were built or rebuilt (including medieval castles) by Russian architects or foreign architects who arrived to Russian Empire from France, Italy or Germany.
Very popular among tourists Trakai castle was reconstructed or better to say created in Soviet Union and even president is sitting inside building built by project of Russian architect.

First military stuff of independent Baltic states countries consisted of Tsarist army officers and they were teaching in military academy.
Anonymous  14/11/23 Втр 00:42:45 122021
Город Зеро 1988.webm 9518Кб, 856x480, 00:01:04
>>122020 (OP)
Please, give me a Baltic (or any) gf then... Thank You!
Klękać przed Polskim Panem ruskie psy Anonymous  01/10/23 Вск 00:35:04 120652 Ответ
batory-at-pskov[...].jpg 1242Кб, 2818x1600
Klękać przed Polskim Panem ruskie psy
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Anonymous  06/10/23 Птн 08:36:24 120824
Anonymous  31/10/23 Втр 16:53:59 121661
image.png 318Кб, 554x554
>>120652 (OP)
The only "victory" the Poles have over Russia is the presence of this picture. All through history the Poles have sucked the Russians' dick and licked their fet.
Anonymous  01/11/23 Срд 21:16:48 121684
haha russia lost war with Poland, we were in Moscow, we conquered Moscow once xD
Anonymous  07/11/23 Втр 18:02:29 121868
palijaki.webm 1930Кб, 640x480, 00:00:51
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 02:16:55 121972
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