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Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 00:20:01  243400  
14526336017640.png (0Кб, 169x164)
Hello, a Pole here.

Ask me anything.

>inb4 Katyn kurwa
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 00:21:39  243403
Why don't use polish?
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 00:23:31  243404
I thought english would be better since there are some questions about poland here.

Możemy też rozmawiać po polsku jak wolisz
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 00:25:50  243406
This board is actually about migration in general, it's not like /int, or something like that.
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 00:26:46  243407
What is your opinion or Russian? Do you really hate us?
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 00:27:47  243408
I know I figured it out, correct me if I am wrong but I saw here some people who struggled with an idea to study here or spend some time here. That is why I decided to write this post, to help some folks out.
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 00:29:20  243411
Not really, do you want long answer or short one?

Short one is - average Russian is considered as someone who has no influence o oligarchs so he is not to blame.
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 00:33:10  243415
What are you thinking about your new government?
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 00:37:37  243417
Yeah, you can help them in POLSKA-thread, you can also speak polish there.
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 00:39:54  243418
Hmm. I am not sure if it was a right choice.

Their main goal is to fight with people who made money after communism collapse. They couldn't be called oligarchs because they stole too little but they stole enough.

Of course, things with Russia are pretty bad, so I dnt believe it will get worse. Our new goverment is pro China. They truly believe in this new chineese rail project (new Silk Road) and this require to cooperate with Russia.

In terms of miliary.
They will fight for military NATO bases.

Russian military doctrine after WWII was mainly based on buffer states. We were one of this soviet buffer states. Now Bielarus and Ukraine are buffer states before NATO. Nowadays Poland is mostly tired to be NATO buffer state so our politicians want to push this sphere onto east - meaning Ukraine.

I have no strong feelings about military docrites to be honest, for me geopoliticis is just interesting 'per se'.
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 00:41:37  243421
oh okey, ill try this too
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 00:45:47  243423
Kurwa bydlo pizda!
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 00:50:17  243425
here is more like 'bydło' :^)
sage sage 13/01/16 Срд 01:01:44  243426
пиздуйте в инт
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 01:12:53  243434
Но у нас нет инт
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 01:32:29  243442
>>243400 (OP)
How to say "old sport" or "old bean" in polish?
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 01:43:25  243453
Why don't you use š and č instead of sz and cz? Why don't you use sh/ch at least? Every time I see some text in polish my eyes start bleeding.
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 10:08:20  243512
Agree with >>243453 him.
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 10:15:24  243513
>>243400 (OP)

how to pierdolie polish kurwa?
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 10:47:05  243525
>>243400 (OP)
Do you support Polish nuclear weapon program? World is fucked up, you need to defend yourself.
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 12:27:26  243555
>>243400 (OP)
why Polan cant into space?
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 12:27:33  243556
I think our for, was always used here, Lithuanias had our form but they changed it to similar letters.

You'd need to have money first. :^)

Poland has no chance of having nuclear weapons of our own. There is NATO nuclear program where countries recieve Murrican bombs, but we are too irrelevant to have nato base, let alone nukes.

Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 12:31:02  243558
14526774624670.jpg (29Кб, 596x395)

We are in esa tho
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 13:08:08  243567
Hey Polan, how do you think, what Polan internets lack of? Let's make busines
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 18:58:58  243658
So pole, why don't you go to the UK like all your homorades? I'm bloody fed up with hearing kurwa at every corner from some bald fuckfaces with decades of binge drinking zubrowka.
Wake me up when the poles are gone
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 19:17:25  243661
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 20:28:57  243686
its time for you to learn polish, start today, UK is our island nao
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 21:10:58  243704
Hey chickenshit I never allowed you to open your filthy mouth while cleaning my loo. What a joke!
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 21:25:45  243708
you are not a brit, so you are not allowed to command polan
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 21:26:45  243709
>>243400 (OP)
What do you think about Wroclaw?
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 22:57:12  243753
That's not what yo mama told me when I was spanking her flabby arse
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 23:29:04  243758
my mom is in siberia, an I am not a pole who you adressed you idea reagarding spanking
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 23:30:28  243759
I am nor from there (Kraków here), Wrocław and Poznań are considered as one of the best cities here, they have the lowest unemployment rate in the country since they recieve most of western capital (for example Amazon storages are located there)

Noone gives a shit about some 12yo wannabe brit, dude is not worth your time
Аноним 13/01/16 Срд 23:53:32  243761
Аноним 14/01/16 Чтв 00:55:11  243768
Is your country worth emigrating to from mother Russia,in your opinion?
Аноним 14/01/16 Чтв 16:38:57  243895
It depends, I have never been to Russia. I have been to Bielarus tho. It depends as always what do you want to achieve?
Аноним 14/01/16 Чтв 17:13:14  243905
Dlaczego wśród Polaków jest tak wielu prawego scumu?
Аноним 14/01/16 Чтв 18:56:39  243941
Cześć s.g., gdzie jesteś? Żyjesz? Pisałem ci i dzwoniłem
Аноним 14/01/16 Чтв 20:22:24  243977
Аноним 15/01/16 Птн 16:13:35  244209
kurwa perdole mama
Аноним 15/01/16 Птн 18:39:50  244232
kurwa ja p'erdole
Аноним 15/01/16 Птн 19:48:34  244244
>You'd need to have money first. :^)
Is it enought to have 6K PLN tin a month to pierdole polan kurwas?
Аноним 16/01/16 Суб 01:38:20  244314

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